Saturday, July 16, 2011

Note Well is Changing--The Anti-Grantland Approach

I wanted to quickly touch on a stylistic change I'm making to the site. Going forward, I intend to keep the length of all my posts to around 250 words. I realize that this appears to be a shameless nod to the Twitterification of all things, and I admit cannot categorically deny that charge. However, the primary reason for this change is much more banal--I have a day job. By keeping my posts succinct, I hope to post more frequently and explore a wider range of topics. Plus, it's probably best to leave the long-form journalism and phone-hacking to the professionals. Hopefully, readers will be able to find time to check out some posts that will be short but not often sweet. Ok, I have to go; I don't want to exceed my word limit.

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