Sunday, February 27, 2011

Welcome to Note Well

Welcome to Note Well, folks. While I'm on hiatus from Advance Legal Job's Legal Career Blog, which will soon be undergoing some renovations, I'm starting Note Well as a kind of repository for all the random thoughts the good people at Advance Legal allowed me to put into print. And while the word "legal" is in Note Well's URL, this blog will definitely not be limited to legal issues, as the next few posts will probably attest. In fact, I'm not quite sure what Note Well is actually going to be, other than just one more unnecessary take on a potpourri of topics, including football, baseball, soccer, pop culture, politics and, yes, the law. Hopefully, you'll find it interesting and will come back for more. Of course, please don't hesitate to let me know what you think and would like to read more about.

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